Friday, December 28, 2018


Too much crust around the outer edges, so this piece will lose quite a bit of material. I may try cutting out an interesting pattern in the middle area. The fun part is trying to pick just the right area. 

I just noticed that one of my dear friends posted a comment on one of the pictures. It dawned on me, I have not see her posts in a very long time.  Upon deeper thought, I realize I am rarely seeing posts by some of my favored friends. I guess Facebook has played around with the settings again. They continue trying to force us to behave as they see fit. I am really tired of their silly games. It's Behavior Modification and it stinks. I wish we had another place to gather and share.

I guess I need to stop posting these for the night. I don't want to intrude upon my friends, but I wanted to work out some issues with this Blogger site tonight.